
Even more Drink Me

Dia 9 - Monday

Workshop at the school, this time in the afternoon with younger kids. There were 9 boys, aged between 10 - 12? Was strange that it was a single sex class, but turns out that was just a coincidence. Lirca came along, so we were 5. She’s interested in taking a similar format to Ubatuba - for a year long gincana which I gather is a bit like Calvin Ball, but timed. The kids were animated, talked loads, wrote, drew pictures… Maybe I missed some translation but I thought they would be trouble based on what the teacher/principal said but they seemed pretty normal. They liked the mapping exercise. Gathered the stories they created were heavily influenced by american cartoons. Don’t think we learned anything new, but it was good to validate the importance of the venda & campo.

Shattered after the workshop, so went to the venda afterwards for refreshments (beer/wine). So seems like the venda is the only public place were people can gather and exchange gossip in a relaxed setting. Looked like an old fashioned general store in the days of the wild west. Learned more Português off the menu. But had reached peak Português after that and my brain refused to absorb any new words and punished me for trying to remember ones from before.

Dia 10 - Tuesday

Went swimming outside - finally! Little waterfall near Cinthia’s casa. Had to take advantage of the weather, unfortunately it started raining while Sabrina and I were in the river. It’s all okay.

Just more work today.

Found a Twine text adventure game in Português. It’s a tela novella type of story.

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